A dedicated nurse has been celebrated for her 45-year service in the NHS.

Celia Kendrick, who began her career after being inspired by a visit to the hospital, was surprised by colleagues with a long-service presentation at Peterborough City Hospital.

She joined the Peterborough and Stamford School of Nursing at 18 and qualified in 1983.

Her passion for A&E led her to work in the department for more than 30 years as a staff nurse, sister, and lead nurse.

Ms Kendrick was involved in several "trailblazing initiatives" that shaped training across the UK and globally.

Peterborough City Hospital nurse celebrated for 45-year NHS service Peterborough City Hospital nurse celebrated for 45-year NHS service (Image: Submitted) A chance discovery of a "major incident plan" document in 1983 sparked her interest and subsequent career in emergency planning.

In 2004, she played a key role in the creation and launch of the Hospital Major Incident Medical Management & Support (HMIMMS) course, which is now taught worldwide.

Ms Kendrick said: “It was fast paced, and every day was different; you could be dealing with anything from small injuries that needed stitching, right up to saving lives.

"There is no greater feeling on earth than saving someone’s life.”

Dedicated nurse Celia recognised for 45-year NHS service Dedicated nurse Celia recognised for 45-year NHS service (Image: Submitted) Appointed head of resilience and emergency preparedness in 2016, Ms Kendrick has been instrumental in implementing a decontamination procedure following the 9/11 attacks, working a 26-hour shift to ensure the A&E department at the old hospital could close and reopen as a new emergency department at Peterborough City Hospital in 2010, and delivering a revised plan and response during the pandemic.

Despite her decades of service, Ms Kendrick's passion for the NHS remains unwavering.

She continues to work in the NHS and deliver the HMIMMS course in her spare time.

Her long and successful career is a testament to her commitment to the NHS and her love for the job.