People have shared support for plans to introduce a new 20mph zone in the village of Elton, which they said was being used as a “rat run by commuters”.

Cambridgeshire County Council is considering introducing 20mph speed limits on most residential roads within the built-up part of the village.

Lengths of road on the edge of the village where there are existing 30mph and 40mph speed limits are proposed to be retained, or new ones introduced.

The proposal is part of a wider project being undertaken by the county council to support the introduction of more 20mph speed limits across Cambridgeshire.

The authority has said the lower speed limits help to improve road safety and can encourage people to walk and cycle more.

A statutory consultation on the proposed Elton 20mph zone saw 12 people respond in support, and only one comment made in objection.

People said they supported the introduction of the 20mph speed limits in the hope it would improve safety, particularly for children and elderly people.

One person said: “I wholly support this proposal. Speeding can be an issue on the small roads within Elton. This could help have a positive impact on the issue.”

Another supporter said: “The 20mph restriction is totally supported and the safety issue in respect of young children at the school and near the shop including elderly residents is uppermost in my mind.

“The irresponsible road users that we regularly witness will be restricted by the new limits.”

Hope was also shared that the lower speed limits would help tackle the issue of commuters using the village as a “rat run”.

One person said: “As a long time resident in Elton, and a member of the parish council, I would like to express my support for this project.

“The village is used as a rat run by commuters, most of whom drive carefully, but amongst them are habitual speeders, with the accompanying dangers.

“The imposition of a 20mph limit will not inconvenience normal driving in this small village, but will provide a deterrent to those who misbehave and cause danger.”

A decision on whether to implement the 20mph zone is due to be made by the county council later this month (October 21).

A report published ahead of the decision date said: “There would appear to be a reasonable level of local support for a 20mph speed limit in Elton, albeit the number of responses was low.

“The single objection is actually supportive of the scheme in principle, but wants their road included.

“At this stage the inclusion of additional roads cannot be recommended.

“Given the support for the 20mph limit from most residents who responded, Elton Parish Council and the local member, with only one objection, it is recommended that the proposal for Elton be implemented.”