A school's Combined Cadet Force has been formally launched as an independent contingent.

The Nene Park Academy unit, in Oundle Road, Peterborough, welcomed dignitaries to their training session on Wednesday, September 11.

The event marked the official launch of the CCF as an independent contingent.

The CCF, one of more than 400 educational partnerships between schools and the Ministry of Defence, offers 55 student members a range of activities to develop leadership skills, personal responsibility, and self-discipline.

Brigadier Tim Seal, His Majesty’s Vice Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire and honorary colonel for the Cambridgeshire Army Cadet Force, attended the event, alongside the mayor of Peterborough, councillor Marco Cereste, and Lieutenant Colonel Alison Falcon, deputy chief executive of the East Anglia Reserve Forces and Cadets Association.

The young people are all students at Nene Park Academy The young people are all students at Nene Park Academy (Image: Submitted)

Brigadier Seal said: “I’m impressed by the skill you’ve displayed and the training you have clearly undertaken.

"Being a cadet is something to be proud of, offering you values and learning that will serve you well both now and in the future.”

Students shared the benefits of joining the CCF, including gaining confidence, communication skills, and a sense of community.

Cadet Olivia, in Year 13, said: “Cadets has given me a lot of transferable skills.

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"Although it wasn’t my original plan, Cadets has inspired me to want to enrol into the Army when I leave school.”

Principal Robin Grover said: “We are incredibly proud to celebrate the first formal parade of our new Combined Cadet Force Army Section at Nene Park Academy.

“Establishing our own CCF unit has been a long-held aspiration, and it is an honour to see it come to fruition."

The cadets also showcased their training in fieldcraft and marksmanship, supervised by the CCF’s five fully-trained adult cadet volunteers, all members of Nene Park Academy’s staff.