An initiative, aiming to tackle the blight of fly-tipping in Peterborough, has been launched by the city council.

This month, the council's new campaign will focus on raising awareness about the destructiveness of fly-tipping and the efforts being made to combat the issue.

The campaign comes after Peterborough council was awarded almost £50,000 from The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

The funds are allocated for enhancing surveillance at notorious fly-tipping locations by installing additional cameras, and for augmenting awareness through educational schemes.

From September, the council authorities will be publishing regular messages about fly-tipping on their social media platforms.

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The messages will address different facets of fly-tipping, including who commits it, how locals can report it, and offer guidance in disposing of waste responsibly.

On Saturday, September 14, between 9.30am - 2.30pm, a dedicated waste and fly-tipping community awareness event will take place at the Gladstone Community Centre, which will include enlightening activities and games, participation from waste mascots, and litter picking.

The council’s webpage dedicated to fly-tipping has been boosted with novel information highlighting the issues and penalties associated with fly-tipping, while offering a guide on how to report incidents.

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The webpage will additionally offer advice on opting for registered waste carriers and suitable waste disposal methods for businesses and landlords.

Councillor Dennis Jones, leader of Peterborough City Council, said: “We already work tirelessly to clean up fly-tipping and I hope that this campaign will help raise awareness of the issue and the consequences people face by committing it, essentially leaving themselves liable to fines and criminal records. "

He further emphasised the need for collective effort and public's help to report and discourage fly-tipping incidents.

To report fly-tipping, residents can visit the official council website or contact: 01733 747474.