A Peterborough centenarian celebrated her 105th birthday in grand style at her residential care home.

Henrietta Gavaghan, a resident of Longueville Court care home, marked the occasion with staff, family, and fellow residents.

The festivities included a special programme by entertainer Leslie Ann and a birthday cake prepared by the care home's kitchen.

The celebrant expressed her joy saying: “I have had such a wonderful afternoon, I really enjoyed the entertainment, and all the lovely gifts I’ve got."

Care home resident celebrates 105th birthday with special festivities Care home resident celebrates 105th birthday with special festivities (Image: Submitted)

Speaking of the joyous occasion, activities coordinator Karina Dunn said: “Henrietta was singing and clapping along with all the songs, it really was great seeing Henrietta having so much fun, I am so happy she enjoyed her day."

The pleasure of the milestone was echoed by the general manager, Krzysztof Krzysztofiak, who said: “We’re delighted to be celebrating a truly remarkable woman as she reaches this amazing milestone.

"Henrietta is such a popular resident who always has an interesting tale to tell about her piano-playing days, and we look forward to hearing many more."