Students at Nene Park Academy in Peterborough are "delighted" with their A-Level results, with one student getting top grades across the board.

The academy saw "brilliant" individual student results in 2024, with special mention going to the following:

  • Samuel Jobe-Mendez achieved three A*s and is going to Manchester University
  • George Frost achieved two Distinction* grades and a Distinction and will be heading to the USA on a university scholarship
  • Eliza Greenwood, a Head Student at Nene Park Academy, achieved two A*s and two As and will be heading to Cambridge University

Eliza Greenwood is heading to the University of Cambridge with an excellent set of A-Level results.Eliza Greenwood is heading to the University of Cambridge with an excellent set of A-Level results. (Image: Nene Park Academy)

  • Harry Friend achieved an A* and three As and will be going to the University of Edinburgh
  • Amy Scarlett achieved three As and a B and will be attending the University of York, along with Lukas Andriunas, who achieved three As and a D, and India Gray, who achieved an A*, two As and a B
  • Oliver Smith scored A, A, B and will be studying a Music Conservatoire Course at the Royal Northern College of Music
  • Amber Smith is heading to a university scholarship in the USA after she achieved A*, B, B
  • Jacob Nunn achieved A, B, C and will be taking on an apprenticeship with Aegeon

Jacob Nunn achieved A, B, C and is set for an apprenticeship with Aegeon.Jacob Nunn achieved A, B, C and is set for an apprenticeship with Aegeon. (Image: Nene Park Academy)

  • Charlie Gray is going to the University of Reading after he achieved B, B and a Distinction
  • Derin Singolu achieved A*, A*, C, C, C and will be heading to De Montfort University

Nene Park Academy has said that more than 70 per cent of students who studied Arts and Drama achieved an A*-B grade, which reflects the "commitment" to delivering Arts-based subjects.

Robin Grover, Principal at Nene Park Academy, said: "Our Year 13 students have every reason to be immensely proud of their accomplishments today. I am delighted by their results, both individually and as a group. These achievements are a testament to each student's dedication and perseverance throughout their studies."