A former pub in Whittlesey themed on hit BBC comedy Only Fools and Horses is set to become a convenience store. 

Fenland District Council voted to approve plans to convert the Nags Head at a meeting of the planning committee on Wednesday (August 7).

The public house closed in 2022 and was purchased by current owner Raju Goraniya with the intention of opening the 'Estrea Convenience Store'. 

A design and access statement submitted as part of the application said the purpose of the proposed store would be to "serve the local and expanding community." 

The change of use to a convenience store also involves a new shopfront, cross over and a formalised parking area for "improved access" and parking off Estrea Road. 

Several local residents objected to the plans, expressing concerns over an increase in traffic as well as the need for another shop in the area. 

Whittlesey Town Council said: "The town council recommend refusal due to the access from Jones Lane as this is used constantly by breakdown vehicles and farm machinery.

"There will be limited parking on the site, and the parking on the A605 will be dangerous. There is also a pelican crossing and bus stop close by, all these issues do not make for this to be a safe location for a convenience store.

"There is also the loss of a community asset, members vote unanimously in favour of rejection.”

Three previous planning applications are currently associated with the property.

A proposal to erect a two-storey detached building for use as five holiday let rooms with parking was withdrawn in 2009. 

Meanwhile, two separate applications, which sought to change the use of the public house to two dwellings and create four semi-detached properties, were both refused in 2010 and 2011 respectively. 

One resident added: "The Nags Head lies opposite Springfields Road and we have problems getting out safely with speeding traffic as it is. If this planning is given the green light then I am pretty sure that we are going to face even more problems trying to get out of Springfields to go to Whittlesey or Peterborough."

A report prepared by planning officers said: "Whilst the loss of a public house is unfortunate, the continued viability of a different community facility is considered preferable to its ultimate closure. The convenience store will offer local employment and continued service to residents of Eastrea and the wider community.

"The proposal will facilitate the renovation and effective reuse of a community facility which raises no technical issues and would provide opportunities to improve the visual appearance of the building and therefore enhance the character of the street scene."

Speaking in favour of the proposal, Cllr Paul Hicks said: “Officers have got this spot on. Pubs are notorious for closing these days, we’ve got to do something with these buildings and what else could be done with this building? Probably housing if you’re lucky but we’ve got this good application in front of us and I’m happy with the car." parking.