Plans to create a new caravan site in Glinton for the use of traveller families have been refused by councillors.

Planning officers had recommended the application for approval ahead of Tuesday's committee meeting (July 30) but councillors voted unanimously to refuse the application. 

Plans submitted to Peterborough sought to covert agricultural land at Lincoln Road in Glinton into a residential caravan site for four traveller families. 

According to the design and access statement, each plot on the 'open countryside' site would have two caravans and existing access from Lincoln Road would be improved.

More than 30 objections were received ahead of the meeting and said travellers, 27 of which were made on behalf of residents from Ward Councillors. 

Additional objections were also raised by Glinton Parish Council, which said the development contravened the policies of the village's Neighbourhood Plan.

Glinton councillor, Peter Hiller, told the meeting on Tuesday the applicant had not shown any "regard to our planning protocol by going ahead with the development".

He said: “Imagine the scene early in the morning of a bank holiday Friday, you’re just waking up looking forward to a pleasant and relaxing holiday weekend with family and friends.

"Suddenly, the peace is shattered by the arrival of cars, vans and caravans and heavy plant machinery just a few feet away from your garden.

Tonnes of hardcore delivered by HGVs and numerous men shouting above the noise they themselves are creating. This carries on day after day.

“Residents are real people who expect to be protected by the council it pays taxes to and they’ve been badly let down by this recommendation not cast into the wilderness of anxiety and worry."

He added: “They are rightly angry because this application would change their lives forever.”

An officer's report said the benefits of providing the traveller accommodation was a "material consideration" which outweighed any concerns raised. 

Other objections raised included increased noise disturbance and the proposed placement of a toilet immediately outside a dwelling's dining room window. 

The applicants did not attend the meeting.