A drink driver who did burn outs and blocked junctions in Peterborough city centre has been disqualified from driving for almost two years.

Alvaras Labanauskas, 25,was spotted by CCTV operators driving his BMW dangerously in Broadway on the evening of July 6.

He did burnouts in the middle of the road, laps of the street, and blocked junctions before coming to a stop and blocking the Fitzwilliam Street junction.

Officers then noticed his speech was slurred and his eyes glazed over. He was arrested after a breath test found him more than two times the legal limit.

Labanauskas, of Ashcroft Gardens, Eastfield, admitted drink driving and appeared at Peterborough Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday (July 24) where he was fined £1000 and disqualified from driving for 22 months.

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PC Sonny Pepper, who investigated, said: "Labanauskas was driving recklessly in the city centre, putting members of the public who were out and about at risk.

"Drink driving can have serious consequences and we are working hard to tackle it. If you know someone who may be driving while under the influence, I urge you to report it to us so we can stop them swiftly."