A site manager from Peterborough has clinched a respected national award in the construction industry.

Bellway's George Robertson won a Quality Award in the National House Building Council's (NHBC) annual Pride in the Job competition.

The 64-year-old was chosen from more than 8,000 candidates, making him part of a top-tier group within the industry.

This is Mr Robertson's sixth time winning the Pride in the Job award.

This is Mr Robertson's sixth time winning the Pride in the Job award This is Mr Robertson's sixth time winning the Pride in the Job award (Image: Submitted)

He has previously been honoured with four Quality Awards and a Seal of Excellence.

His win this year now enters him into the next stage of the competition, the NHBC’s Seal of Excellence and Regional Awards, which will be handed out later this year.

Robertson has spent the past two years working on the Springstead Village development in Cherry Hinton at Bellway.

The development is a joint effort between Bellway and Latimer, Clarion Group’s development arm.

The scheme will add more than 1,000 new homes to a 138-acre area that was once part of the Cambridge Airport site.

Mr Robertson said: “Having experience is terrific, but you must remain motivated and disciplined.

"You must monitor, encourage and educate the team.

"And winning this award is a vindication of the effort the whole team has put in.

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"I’m mindful that the award has the site manager’s name on it but in reality, it’s a reflection of the effort the whole team makes.”

Project director Ulrich van Eck for the Bellway Latimer joint venture praised Robertson and his team's achievement.

Van Eck said: “The Pride in the Job Quality Awards are rightly held in high regard nationally as everyone in the industry knows just how hard it is to win this accolade.

“The judging is incredibly rigorous, which means that winning the award is testament to the quality of the homes being built at Springstead Village. "