A man who sexually assaulted a girl for nearly ten years in the 1990s has been jailed.

Nigel Reeson, 58, began sexually assaulting the young girl in 1994, with the abuse taking place at his home in Crowland on regular occasions until the early 2000s.

Reeson sexually touched the girl on multiple occasions, including one instance when he got into a bath with her.

In 2010 Reeson sexually assaulted another girl at her home.

Last year the girls reported what had happened and Reeson was arrested at his home in Abbots Drive, Crowland, near Peterborough.

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He admitted six counts of indecently assaulting a girl under the age of 14, inciting a girl under sixteen years of age to commit an act of gross indecency and assaulting a girl by touching.

On Friday (July 26) at Cambridge Crown Court he was jailed for three years and eight months.

DC Anna-Mae Dawson said: “Reeson subjected the first victim to a prolonged period of awful abuse, before assaulting another girl.

“I’d like to commend the victims for the strength they showed in reporting what had happened.

“Once again, this case shows that time is not a barrier to bringing perpetrators of abuse to justice. If you’ve been a victim of abuse, I’d encourage you to report what happened.”