Cannabis plants worth more than £250k have been seized by police in Yaxley.

Acting on information received from members of the public, officers visited a building within Eagle Business Park in Harrier Way on Friday afternoon, where they found 284 plants of varying sizes.

No arrests have been made but an investigation is ongoing.

PC Joe Davis said: “Thanks to information from the public, this illegal drug will no longer reach the streets.

“With the help of local residents we will continue to tackle and dismantle cannabis factories and make clear to criminal groups that our county is a hostile environment for them in which their trade is neither welcome or tolerated.”

There are key signs to spot a property that could be being used as a cannabis factory:

  • Frequent visitors to a property at unsocial hours throughout the day and night

  • Blacked out windows or condensation on the windows, even when it is not cold outside

  • Bright lights in rooms throughout the night

  • Electricity meters being tampered with/altered and new cabling, sometimes leading to street lighting. High electricity bills can also be an indicator

  • A powerful, distinctive, sweet, sticky aroma and noise from fans

  • An excessive amount of plant pots, chemicals, fertilisers and compost

Anyone with information about a potential cannabis factory or drug dealing can contact police online or call 101.