A drug dealer who stashed crack cocaine and heroin in his pants was arrested after he fell over while running from officers.

Adam Abdellouche, 19, was in a Fiat 500 spotted travelling at more than 100mph on the A1 near Sawtry, near Peterborough, at about 10.45pm on 14 April.

When the vehicle was stopped by traffic officers in Burghley Road, Peterborough city centre, Abdellouche and another man ran.

Abdellouche fell as he was pursued by an officer and dropped a clear plastic bag of crack cocaine.

He was arrested and a search revealed wraps of crack cocaine and heroin hidden in his underwear.

In total, the drugs had a potential value of more than £7,000.

Abdellouche, of Allexton Gardens, Parnwell, Peterborough, admitted possession with intent to supply crack cocaine and heroin.

Yesterday (4 July), at Peterborough Crown Court, he was sentenced to two years in prison, suspended for two years. He was also ordered to complete 100 hours of unpaid with and 25 days of rehabilitation activity.

DC Joshua Crown said: “Abdellouche clearly thought he could get away from officers, but he was wrong.

“I’m pleased he was apprehended and has been dealt with in court. Substances like crack cocaine and heroin destroy lives. They are also associated with other offences such as violence, shoplifting and burglary.

“We will continue to do all we can to prosecute drug dealers as we aim to make the streets of Cambridgeshire even safer.”

Information or concerns about drugs can be reported via the force’s dedicated drugs information webpage.