A man who attacked his friend with a knife after talking about demons and black magic has been jailed for more than a year.

Mohammed Mustafa, of Gladstone Street, Peterborough, spotted the family friend while out having a walk in the early evening of Wednesday December 20.

The pair began walking and talking and the victim, who knew Mustafa struggled with his mental health, asked how he was and urged him to stay out of trouble.

Mustafa, 29, started chatting normally but then began acting strangely, accusing his friend of “doing black magic” on him and saying that demons were coming.

His friend tried to calm him down, but just minutes later he was struck to the face by Mustafa and the force of the blow knocked him to the ground.

The victim told how he thought he had been punched but then realised Mustafa had a knife in his hand. Mustafa straddled him and a scuffle ensued, but Mustafa eventually got up and ran away.

The victim struggled to his feet and touching his head, realised he was bleeding heavily. He stumbled towards his home and screamed and shouted for someone to call an ambulance.

Police and paramedics were called at about 6.30pm and Mustafa was arrested after walking back to the same street.

His friend was taken to hospital with deep cuts to his hands and face, but was not seriously injured.

In police interview, Mustafa answered no comment to most questions.

However, he later admitted possessing a knife in public and GBH without intent.

Mustafa was jailed for one year and four months at Peterborough Crown Court on Thursday June 20.

Detective Sergeant Sarah Morgan said: “I can only imagine the panic and fear felt by Mustafa’s victim, who was also his friend, and had simply wanted to check on his welfare.

“We are working hard to take people who think they can use knives or weapons in this way off our streets.

“I hope the sentence gives the victim some closure from this traumatic incident in his life, but also highlights how seriously both the police and the courts take this type of behaviour.”

For more information and advice on knife crime, see the force’s dedicated web page.