A prolific shoplifter who breached a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) four times in as many months has had extra conditions added, banning him from certain stores.

Mark Smith, 41, was made subject of a two-year CBO in February following 26 theft convictions within a year.

The order banned him from entering the Ortongate Shopping Centre, as bordered by Misterton and the busway footpath to rear of the centre.

The local Neighbourhood Policing Team applied for further conditions to be added to Smith’s CBO, after he was jailed for 18 weeks on March 9 following convictions for another four shopliftings and three breaches of his CBO.

On Thursday (June 20), an extra condition was added to the order at Peterborough Magistrates’ Court, stating that Smith, of no fixed address, must not enter any Tesco, Spar, or Co-Op in Peterborough.

PC Saunders, from Peterborough’s Southern Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: “Since being made subject of the CBO, Smith has been convicted of a total of four breaches of the order and ten theft offences – some of which were committed while we were awaiting the hearing to have his CBO amended.”

“Court orders such as CBOs give us greater powers when it comes to tackling prolific offenders and protect the business community.

“I hope this shows those who are impacted by criminals such as Smith that we are working hard to tackle retail crime.”

Anyone with information about Smith breaching his CBO should contact police via the web chat service or online forms at www.cambs.police.uk/report.

Those without internet access should call 101.