A man who was found with a knife while in breach of a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) in Peterborough city centre has been jailed.

In the early hours of Saturday morning (May 25), CCTV operators spotted Dillion Currie, 31, in Broadway, which is in breach of his two-year Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) banning him from the area between 11pm and 5am.

He was made subject of the order in June 2022 after being convicted of thefts from vehicles and vehicle interference in the city centre.

The order states he must not be in Peterborough city centre (as defined by a specified area on a map) between 11pm and 5am, or trespass on or to any motor vehicle that does not belong to him.

Currie, of Eastfield Road, Eastfield, was initially arrested on suspicion of breaching the court order, but further arrested after he tried to run away from officers and a knife fell from his pocket.

He was charged with being in possession of a knife in public and two counts of breaching a CBO and appeared at Huntingdon Magistrates’ Court on Monday (May 27), where he was sentenced to 38 weeks in prison after admitting the offences.

PC Olivia Abbott, who investigated, said: “When it comes to carrying weapons, there is no acceptable excuse and fortunately we were able to seize the knife before any harm could be done.

“These court orders give us greater powers when it comes to tackling prolific offenders, if someone is found to be in breach of their order, it is an arrestable offence and we will put them back before the courts.”

Anyone with concerns or information about someone who carries a weapon can report via the force’s dedicated weapons information webpage.

Anyone with information about Currie breaching his CBO should contact police via the web chat service or online forms at www.cambs.police.uk/report .

Those without internet access should call 101.