A drink driver who nearly hit police officer in a Peterborough supermarket car park has been disqualified from driving.

On the evening of April 11, police were made aware of a man suspected to be under the influence of alcohol walking back to his car which was parked in ASDA carpark, Rivergate.

Officers from the Peterborough City Centre Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT), who were patrolling nearby, spotted Paul Coulson, 34, staggering towards his white Peugeot 207.

As he started to drive away, an officer – who was in high-viz uniform – stood in the middle of the road and signalled for Coulson to stop, however he continued on driving towards the officer, before stopping the car about two feet in front of them.

Coulson was ordered to get out of the car, but refused, resulting in him being arrested on suspicion of driving whilst unfit through alcohol.

Coulson, of Kendrick Close, Stanground was charged with drink driving after he gave an evidential reading of 99 in custody, almost three times the legal limit of 35.

He appeared at Peterborough Magistrates’ Court on Friday (May 17) and was fined £200 after admitting the offence. He has also been disqualified from driving for two years and two months.

PC Tom Maltby, who made the arrest, said: “Fortunately, we were nearby and able to stop Coulson before he drove off.

“Getting behind the wheel while under the influence of drink or drugs is incredibly dangerous. If you find yourself unable to drive, please arrange alternative transport to avoid putting lives at risk.”

The force operates a dedicated, confidential hotline – 0800 032 0845 – which is available 24/7 and provides the public with the chance to provide information about anyone they think may be driving under the influence of drink or drugs.

Information about drink driving, the law and the penalties, can be found on the force’s dedicated road safety information webpages.