A General Election will be held on July 4, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced on Wednesday.

As part of Peterborough Matters' General Election coverage, we'll be speaking to candidates about their priorities for Peterborough. 

Standing for the Christian Peoples Alliance (CPA) is Dr Tom Rogers, a project manager and former college and university lecturer.

Passionate about education, the father of four has described the Prime Minister's announcement as "ludicrous", which "reaffirmed" the need for fixed election dates. 

Asked about his priorities for Peterborough, he said: "Only the CPA has the policies to recover our nation’s moral compass.

"We need to restore our disintegrating society, through its core values of respect for life, marriage, family, human freedom, economic responsibility, and helping the poor out of poverty.  

"I want to see Peterborough and my local community thrive, and would prioritise preventing shop closures to revitalise our city centre; better planning and facilities for our housing estates.

"And working with different agencies to address poverty and homelessness; supporting families; improving our children’s educational opportunities and parental choice, fighting crime and tackling anti-social behaviour."