A disqualified driver who hit and killed a pedestrian before driving off has been jailed.

Stuart Nichols, 46, was driving a black Renault Megane along Paston Ridings, Peterborough, on Thursday, October 20 2022, when he struck Karl Bradshaw, 41, who was in the road at about 8.45pm.

Mr Bradshaw had fallen into the road close to the Deaf Blind Centre and a taxi dropping people off at the centre drove round him and stopped nearby to assist.

Nicholls turned into Paston Ridings from Hallfields Lane before going round the taxi and hitting Mr Bradshaw on the wrong side of the road.

Nichols carried on driving and Mr Bradshaw was pronounced dead at the scene.

Witnesses identified the Megane Nicholls was driving, and automatic number plate recognition cameras also confirmed he was in the area at the time of the collision, as well as linking him to the car.

At the time of the collision, Nichols had been disqualified from driving for previously having no insurance.

Officers found the Megane parked up the following day in Crowland Road, Eye Green, and Nicholls was arrested at a farm near Crowland.

On Monday, May 13, at Cambridge Crown Court, Nicholls, of Empsons Farm, Postland, Crowland, was jailed for four years and four months having pleaded guilty to causing death by driving whilst disqualified at an earlier hearing.

He was also banned from driving for seven years. 

Nichols received no sperate penalty for causing death by driving a vehicle whilst uninsured and a charge of aggravated vehicle taking and causing a death by an accident was ordered to lie on file. 

Detective Sergeant Craig Wheeler said: “Stuart Nichols should never have been on the road that day and showed a complete disregard for the law. He knew he was disqualified from driving and had no insurance.

“Through his poor driving, he caused the death of Mr Bradshaw who was innocently going about his business and callously left the scene.

“He gave no thought to the catastrophic consequences of his actions by leaving Mr Bradshaw alone in the road with un-survivable injuries.

“I hope the sentencing provides Mr Bradshaw’s family with some justice and closure.

“This collision highlights the dangers disqualified drivers pose to the public when they ignore their driving ban and the devastation this then causes when avoidable collisions, such as this, occur.”