Shailesh Vara MP met with members of Peterborough Citizens UK to discuss items concerning their citizens agenda.

The event was organised by Dilraj Kaur of Peterborough Citizens UK at the offices of Nene Park Trust and items discussed included equality in education, crime, mental health, racism, refugees, and affordable housing.

Those present spoke about the positive aspects they would like to see in their various fields as well as issues that need to be improved to make society a better place for all to live and work in.

The meeting provided an opportunity for attendees to put forward to Mr Vara personal views on improving the local community.

The prevalence of racism in schools and society in general was raised as a particular concern, along with the need for more affordable housing.

There was general agreement that there should be more development on brownfield sites and Mr Vara said he would take this up with Peterborough City Council.

Following the meeting, Mr Vara said: “I am grateful to Peterborough Citizens UK for arranging this meeting with key members of the local community.

“The meeting was very informative and there is clearly much to be done in a number of key areas to ensure that there is equality in every way for all our citizens.”